The Last Butterfly
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I’ll forgive you for thinking this is about conservation, global warming etc, it is in fact an exciting announcement because yesterday I saw a Purple Emperor, which means I have now seen my 58th species or I have seen and photographed all of the British Butterfly Species. There ought to be a badge for it.
We travelled up to Fermyn Woods near Corby, arrived at the woodland about 8.15am and waited four hours for the sun to come out and tempt this magnificent specimen down from the tree tops where they hang out. I was also lucky to get a picture of both wings looking purple. Depending on where you view it from, the light bounces off their scales at different angles and so they can appear to be different colours, very much like my aluminium jewellery which is why its so hard to photograph earrings.
yes that tiny smudge on the floor is the prize !
so as a recap, any of you who read my blog before & during lockdown will know my partner Rob started this project around about 2016 and we have travelled up and down the country photographing British Butterflies, here are some of the highlights.
A small White Butterfly
and The Adonis Blue
The Glanville Fritillary
The Swallowtail
A Marbled White
and finally, the inspiration led to these